Deceased man appears to have been in the house for 1.5 years: ‘There are people who really like to be on their own’ | Inland

A deceased man who was found on Thursday in his home in Den Bosch turned out to have been there for 1.5 years. This is reported by the police. The man would have died of natural causes.

According to a police spokesman, the man had not been seen for quite some time and someone decided to report it. The man would have been very private. After the man was found, an investigation was carried out by the medical examiner and the Forensic Technical Investigation (FTO) team. An undertaker collected the man’s body. Police say a special company will clean the house.

Ring the bell (literally)

“Fortunately, these kinds of ‘discoveries’ only occur sporadically,” said the spokesman. What could the environment do to prevent this kind of situation? “Of course make sure they stay in touch with each other. Keep an eye on each other and look out for each other’s well-being. If you haven’t seen someone in a while, ring the bell (literally) and let them know how they’re doing. Report it to emergency services if you are concerned about someone’s well-being or health.”

Yet it is not always that simple. “There are people who really like to be on their own and who want to stay and don’t wait for contact. You can’t force anyone,” the spokesperson said.
