Deceased dogs Zuid-Scharwoude: police assume animal abuse and intent

No further investigation is being done into the two deceased dogs and the rolls of meat found in Zuid-Scharwoude. The police have not received any new reports and the neighborhood investigation has also yielded nothing so far. “On the basis of the meat found with the metal hooks, we can already speak of animal abuse. No further research is required for this.”

In the vicinity of Lindelaan and Dokter Wilminkstraat, several rolls of meat were found in February and early March. The meat was hidden in grass and bushes, tied with wire hooks and filled with a ‘suspicious purple substance’. At least five dogs suffered from epileptic seizures after ingestion. Two of them died shortly afterwards.

Rob and Esther from Zuid-Scharwoude are convinced that their dead dog Polly has been poisoned. The ten-month-old puppy went for a walk with her owners late at night and ate a suspicious roll of meat from the floor at care center Buitenzorg. That next morning, Rob finds her convulsing in the living room. “My wife did a heart massage, but it happened within fifteen minutes,” he told NH News earlier.

‘Evil in the sense’

Also Nooa, Peter’s dog, ate such a roll of meat in the same environment had an epileptic fit just like Polly. A timely visit to the vet finally saved her. He also suspected that Nooa was poisoned. “The type of poison is gambling, but it often has a strange color. We will not know for sure until we have it tested toxicologically. But it seems to us that someone is up to harm.”

This is now also confirmed by the police. “No new developments have been reported or tips have been received, but we assume intent. Based on the metal brackets, we can determine that it concerns animal abuse.”

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