Deborah (36) is the proud owner of the monumental milk house in Velsen-Noord

Deborah, 36 years old, was almost stunned when she was told that the famous milk house in Velsen-Noord was now really hers. The historic building first served as an anti-squat home and was offered for sale earlier this year. Now she has lots of ideas for renovating her new home.

Deborah at her milk house – Photo: NH Media/ Esmée de Children

After more than twenty years, the milk parlor has found an owner. Since this month, Deborah has been the proud owner of the historic house in Velsen-Noord. The property was for sale this summer, so she decided to make an offer.

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Deborah at her milk house – NH

“I really have the feeling that I can make something of this house,” says the enthusiastic owner. “A number of people are already curious about what it looks like inside. Then they knock on the door and then I usually get the hint, so I let them in and tell them about the history.”
