Debate on the state of the nation

07/12/2022 at 15:23


DEBATE ON THE STATE OF THE NATION ERC and EH Bildu ask that taxes on electricity companies and banks be permanent The main parliamentary partners of Pedro Sánchez are already pressing to give continuity to these fiscal figures, which will be a priori limited to 2023 and 2024Pedro Sánchez has announced this Tuesday measures to combat inflation, but at the moment the majority is not assured to carry them out. Some of the main parliamentary partners of the Government have already advanced important criticisms of the announcements that the president has launched in the Debate on the state of the nation, among which the tax on banks and energy companies stands out for the year 2023 and 2024. A fiscal figure that, for formations such as ERC and EH Bildu, should have a vocation for permanence. Thus, the two main formations on which the Government is based -ERC and EH Bildu- have shown certain reluctance with Pedro Sánchez’s battery of initiatives, while the PNV has been openly opposed to some of the proposals for “invading the field jurisdiction” of the autonomous communities.

Pedro Sánchez announced this Tuesday measures to combat inflationbut at the moment the majority is not assured to carry them out. Some of the main parliamentary partners of the Government have already advanced important criticisms of the announcements that the president has launched in the debate on the state of the nation, among which the tax on banks and energy companies for the year 2023 and 2024 stands out. A fiscal figure that, for formations such as ERC and EH Bildu, should have vocation of permanence.

Thus, the two main formations on which the Government is based -ERC and EH Bildu- have shown certain reluctance with the battery of initiatives of Pedro Sánchezwhile the PNV has been openly opposed to some of the proposals for “invading the sphere of competence” of the autonomous communities.

The ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufián, has shown himself to be especially critical. At a press conference after Sánchez’s appearance, he criticized the fact that “the president came to carry out an advertising campaign”, warning that the crisis “it is not faced with temporary or conjunctural measures”. “The one that is falling is faced with courageous and permanent structural measures”, collects El Periódico de España.

We ask this government to distance itself from the big headlines and instead of temporary things, do permanent things like social justice”, he has insisted. Rufián has pointed out that in the Government “they are stingy” with some measures, taking the opportunity to mention at this point the labor reform, which they opposed . “That the tax burden is faced by large companies cannot be temporary, that is the great criticism that we make”.

They also show misgivings EH Bildu, a party that has gained tremendous prominence in recent votes due to ERC’s estrangement from the Government. Its spokesperson Mertxe Aizpurua has highlighted that “the lyrics sound good, but we will have to see the small print”, admitting that “it is in line with what that the parties of the multinational bloc asked for months.”

Aizpurua has joined Rufián’s request for taxes on electricity and banking are “permanent”, at the time in which he has asked for “control” when establishing this new fiscal figure to “avoid passing the tax” on its users. In this sense, he has issued a warning: “We hope that it will be a decided change of course, that it will not be submitted to the chance of the winds that blow”. Mireia Vehifrom the CUP, has also insisted that “without price control, the effect of all the measures announced by the president remains up in the air”, asking for complementary measures to the new taxes announced.

Aitor Esteban, spokesman for the PNV, another of the government’s usual allies, has advanced that some of the announced measures “represent an invasion of jurisdiction.” In addition, the jeltzale has highlighted the government’s sense of improvisation and has criticized the fact that the president he would not have communicated his measures to his allies in Congress: “It seemed to me as if a party had organized brainstorming between the ministries and without further plan they have united all those ideas that have come out and released them”, he criticized, “with the aggravating circumstance that he has not notified his parliamentary partners”.

Among the small parties they have not spared criticism either. The spokeswoman for the Canarian Coalition Ana Oramas has warned that these advertisements “have been launched under the premise that it is going to extend the budgets“. The Canarian spokeswoman has criticized the lack of any commitment to La Palma after the volcanic eruption, and “not making any international reference beyond Ukraine”, ignoring the problem of southern immigrationin addition to warning that “on the islands we do not have Cercanías”, in reference to the announced discounts.

“We have missed that the structural crisis of a part of Spain, the Empty Spain, has been addressed”, denounced the deputy of Teruel exists, Thomas Guitarte, which has criticized that beyond the plans announced at the time by the Government, “there has been no mention”. “It has been paradoxical that there is talk of discounts when in Empty Spain we do not have trains or suburban trains,” he denounced, lacking “a mobility policy for rural Spain.”

On behalf of the BNG, Néstor Rego has also criticized the absence of Galicai in his speech and has pointed to the lack of “structural measures” by the presidentwhile from PRC, Jose Maria Mazon He has also pointed to the continuity that these measures should have and has advanced that “it seems good to us that they are temporary.”
