DEBATE OF THE DAY. Should there be a ban on the sale and use of fireworks in our country? | Interior

The Burns Foundation announced yesterday that at least 155 people in our country were injured by fireworks last Christmas and New Year’s period. That is a remarkably high number. Last year-end there were 68 victims. Should there be a ban on the use and sale of fireworks in our country? What do you think? Tonight we will collect the most fascinating reactions in a new piece. Read below what some experts think about it.

Burns Foundation and Belgian Burns Centres:

The Burns Foundation and the Belgian Burn Centers advocate a general ban on the use and sale of fireworks in Belgium. “Whereas victims of fireworks only ended up in our centers and hospitals during the end of the year period, we now see this all year round,” the foundation says.

This trend is worrying, says the Burns Foundation. More and more people seem to be using fireworks without knowing how to do so safely. “There should no longer be any offer of fireworks in the shops,” says Stefaan Lauwaert, spokesperson for the Burns Foundation. “Mayors should not be responsible for the ban. That is something that should be imposed nationally.”

Thomas Rose, chief surgeon at the burn center in Neder-over-Heembeek:

“Eight victims are currently being treated. Victims also arrive on days after the festive period. I’ve been working for sixteen years, but I’ve never seen it so bad,” says Thomas Rose to VTM News. Despite the ban in many cities, fireworks were set off en masse.

The number of young victims is striking. “They are people in the age group of 17 to 30 years. They have a drink and then start manipulating fireworks. The hands and face are most commonly affected.”

LOOK. Chief surgeon argues for a ban on fireworks for private individuals

According to Rose, it is time to intervene. “The clock is ticking now. By the end of the year, we need to know from the sector how to prepare ourselves,” it sounds. “We have to think about a fireworks ban for private individuals,” he says. “It is too dangerous.”

Dirk Van de Sande, Rivierenland police zone:

The police are also fed up with the number of fireworks incidents. “A ban on the sale of fireworks for private individuals would mean that there are fewer fireworks in circulation, which makes enforcement easier,” says Dirk Van de Sande of the Rivierenland police zone. According to him, “clarity is the overall asset in the enforcement framework”.

Association for Cities and Municipalities (VVSG):

The Association for Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) thinks it’s enough. “I would sleep badly if a child in Genk was left maimed by fireworks,” says Genk mayor Wim Dries (CD&V), VVSG chairman. “We know the risks of fireworks, we are very committed to prevention campaigns with images that leave nothing to the imagination, we already have strict rules and yet fireworks continue to increase. It has to stop. I notice from the many reactions from residents that there is no longer support for it among many citizens.”

Dries advocates a national approach that focuses on the ban on lighting fireworks, the ban on their sale and on the transport of arrows. “In this way, pending a European approach to the problem – which would be even better – we can ensure that fewer people buy and shoot arrows. Anyone who does not follow these rules can give you a GAS fine of up to 350 euros.”

Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Minister of Economy (PS):

There may not be a total ban, but the Minister of Economy Dermagne wants to partially restrict sales. He wants to ban the sale of heavy firecrackers, flares and smoke bombs this year.

Filip Rasschaert, chief of police Ghent:

The Ghent police chief Filip Rasschaert advocates a national ban on the sale of fireworks, together with more awareness among young people. “They do this to get attention through social media. But it cannot be that there are traders who earn tens of thousands of euros from the sale of heavy fireworks and bombs and that they are used to cause damage to people, buildings, vehicles and animals. It is high time that this was curbed.”

And now it’s up to you. What is your opinion? Let us know in the comments below this article. We’ll be collecting the most exciting reactions in a new piece tonight.

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