Deaths in Den Bosch home are mother and daughter: ‘No other involved’

The two dead who were found on Thursday evening in a house on the Zesde Reit in Den Bosch are a 64-year-old woman and a 35-year-old daughter. There is no indication whatsoever that other people were involved in their deaths, police said.

For the official determination of the identity of the bodies, it is actually waiting for the results of the DNA test, but ‘all traces now indicate that it concerns the residents’, the police reported.

The suspicion that the bodies found were the residents was soon there, but the circumstances under which they were found make identification very difficult. They were there for a longer period of time, according to research.

Earlier, the police did not want to rule out a crime. It is still unclear what happened in the house. At the beginning of Thursday evening, a local resident reported to the police that the residents of the house had not been seen for a long time.

When officers started to take a closer look, they decided to enter the house. This is partly based on the statement of the local resident. Inside, the officers found the dead women.

If no other people are involved in the women’s deaths, it would mean that it was a double suicide or that one killed the other and then himself.

Talking about thoughts of suicide helps and can be done, for example, via MIND Correlation (0900 1450) or 113 Suicide Prevention (0800 0113).

ALSO READ: Two dead in Den Bosch home are probably the residents
