Death toll from Hurricane Ian rises, more than a million people still without power

The death toll from Hurricane Ian has risen to 77 report American media. The historically severe hurricane has now moved towards the Atlantic Ocean and has weakened, allowing rescuers and authorities to better understand the damage.

Hurricane Ian made landfall in southwest Florida on Wednesday and wreaked havoc. Meter-high waves caused flooding, torn houses and destroyed infrastructure. Florida, the worst-hit state, had the most victims with 73 deaths. More than a million people are still without power in the southern state, according to the latest reports.

Hundreds of aid workers are now searching for survivors among the flooded houses and officially 10,000 people are still missing, although authorities say that these are mainly people who are still in air raid shelters. Despite this, the death toll is expected to rise further in the coming days.

State of emergency

President Biden has declared a state of emergency in Florida to free up more money for relief and reconstruction. Hurricane Ian is considered one of the worst hurricanes in U.S. history and, according to insurers, it may also be the costliest hurricane ever, with up to $47 billion in claims expected. writes Reuters news agency.

In the coming days, northern states on the American east coast could still be bothered by Ian. Although the hurricane has now scaled down to a cyclone, states such as New York and New Jersey could experience heavy winds and rainfall, weather institutes warn.

Also read: Hurricane Ian leaves a trail of destruction in Cuba and Florida
