Death of the football legend: Maradona’s doctors and nurses have to go to court

As of: 06/22/2022 9:09 p.m

After the death of Diego Maradona, his doctors and nurses have to answer for manslaughter in court.

The judge in charge granted the prosecutor’s request for an oral and public trial to be opened against the accused, local media reported, citing judicial circles. The process could begin in late 2023 or early 2024.

The eight accused include Maradona’s personal physician Leopoldo Luque, his psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov, a psychologist, another doctor, the medical coordinator of the health insurance company and three nurses. According to investigators, they mistreated their patient and left him to his fate. All deny the allegations. If convicted, they face up to 25 years in prison.

Maradona died of a heart attack on November 25, 2020 in a private residential complex north of Buenos Aires at the age of 60. A few weeks earlier he had undergone brain surgery. According to the investigators, massive mistakes had been made in the home care of the former top athlete, who was seriously ill.
