Death of a Belgian (21) in Italian Rimini is one big mystery for the time being | News

A 21-year-old Belgian has died after a collision with a train in Rimini, Italy. The drama happened on Tuesday morning at 5.20 am and is one big mystery according to Italian media. The police are keeping all avenues open, but suspect that it is a dramatic accident.

According to the newspaper ‘Il Resto del Carlino’, the Belgian in his twenties may have been in Italy as a tourist. The emergency services contacted the Belgian embassy to contact the victim’s family. The young man crossed a railway this morning in the Rivabella neighborhood, one that is near the tourist beach.

Police, firefighters and railway technicians arrived on the scene this morning to investigate the accident site. As a result, train traffic was halted for hours.

For now, the police assume a dramatic accident. Although, according to local media, they also take into account that it could be suicide. Undoubtedly, it will also be investigated whether the man was on the road alone or in the company of others, and where he came from at the time.

Not a hotel guest

The website ‘Chiamamicitta’ writes that the train driver tried in vain to brake. The 21-year-old man did not stay in a hotel in Rimini, it still sounds.

‘Chiamamicitta’ refers to the recent drama in which two Italian sisters, aged just 15 and 17, were killed. Giulia (17) and Alessia (15) Pisanu called their father at dawn that they would be home soon. Moments later, their lives ended when they were caught on the tracks by a high-speed train.

If you have questions about suicide, you can contact the Suicide Line on the free number 1813 and on

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