Death due to severe weather in Greece: after extreme drought now heavy rainfall | Abroad

After the drought that caused many wildfires in Greece, the country is now ravaged by heavy rainfall. In eastern Greece, at least one person died due to the storm, which creates dangerous situations. According to Weerplaza, code red has therefore been issued in four regions. Code orange applies in eleven other regions.

The victim was probably carried away by the rising water. Emergency services in the Volos region are still looking for a shepherd who has been reported missing, public broadcaster ERT reports.

The National Meteorological Service (EMY) has been warning since Monday for severe bad weather that could last until Thursday. On Monday evening, the storm already caused landslides on Evia, an island near Athens. In Elis, in the southwestern region of the Peloponnese, crops have been damaged, according to local media.

Heavy rains have brought under control the major fire that has raged in parts of the Dadia National Park in the northern region of Evros for the past two weeks. More than 81,000 hectares of forest area, protected by the European agency Natura 2000, went up in flames. According to the European climate service Copernicus, the destruction in Dadia accounts for almost half of the total area burned by forest fires in Greece since the beginning of summer.

A flooded area in Volos, Greece. ©AFP

A man cleans the streets in Volos, Greece September 5, 2023.
A man cleans the streets in Volos, Greece September 5, 2023. © via REUTERS
