“Dear Thomas” competition: We are giving away Blu-ray packages





In the Thomas Brasch biopic, Albrecht Schuch plays the “radically nonconformist” writer and GDR critic. At the side of Jella Haase in the role of Katharina Thalbach, he rebels with words and deeds. The film will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and TVoD on April 21st and will be available digitally from April 12th.

For the home cinema launch of the black-and-white drama with Albrecht Schuch, we are giving away three Blu-ray packages with the films “Lieber Thomas”, “Platzspitzbaby” and “Mein Ende. your beginning”.

Brasch’s work: Unheard in the East, celebrated in the West

Director Andreas Kleinert explores the life of the writer, playwright and filmmaker Thomas Brasch in “Dear Thomas”. He was born shortly before the end of the Second World War, the son of a later SED functionary. In contrast to his father Horst, played by Jörg Schüttauf, Brasch never really got used to the new reality of the Germans living under the socialist regime.

Instead, Thomas wants to become an artist and writer – in doing so, he embarks on a confrontational course with the government of the GDR. It doesn’t take long before his first play is banned and the young dreamer and rebel is expelled from film school. In the face of the Prague Spring, he and his girlfriend Sanda, embodied by Ioana Iacob, and other fellow students protested against the oppression with a leaflet campaign.

However, this rebellion comes to an abrupt end, prepared by his own father, who betrays him and thus puts him in prison. Later, Brasch, like many critical young people in the GDR, was considered a leper and was only suitable for the totalitarian state for factory work. Despite this, he does not stop writing and eventually goes to West Germany with Katharina Thalbach – the woman he loves. Like many resistance artists, he is acclaimed there, but remains in between, in the writer’s “no man’s land”.

Albrecht Schuch: Another film award in sight soon?

The film is currently in the preselection for the German Film Prize 2022. Leading actor Albrecht Schuch had already received two awards from the German Film Prize in 2020 for his roles in “System Crasher” and “Berlin Alexanderplatz”.

We are giving away three Blu-ray packages consisting of the films Lieber Thomas, Platzspitzbaby and Mein Ende. your beginning”. Simply fill out the form and enter “Dear Thomas” as the answer. The closing date for entries is April 30, 2022. The legal process is excluded.




