Dear President, on Rai 3 50 years of the Italian Republic

THEn the occasion of the Italian Republic Holiday tonight on Rai 3 (from 21.20) the docu-film will be broadcast Dear President. A journey through time 50 years long between the small and the great history of our country, between letters written by ordinary men and women to the various Presidents of Italy and historical facts, such as the kidnapping of Aldo Moro and the victory of the National at the 1982 World Cup. All this is accompanied by the narrating voice of Walter Veltroni.

Dear President: the plot

The docufilm by Michele Truglio, written by Fabrizio Marini and Michela Ponzanitakes its cue from the letters, kept at the historical archive of the Quirinalewritten by women and men common to the Presidents of the Italian Republic over the years. Private photos and videos mingle with Rai Teche materials.

The fears, dreams, hopes and joys of the Italians come outin a period of time between 2021, with Italy brought to its knees by the pandemic, and 1971, the year in which the mandate of Giovanni Leone. A non-chronological journey that tells emotions, memories, family and private memories and the History with a capital “S”, with its dramas and joys.

50 years of Italian history

Dear President spans half a century of history between economic, social and political changes seen through the testimonies of citizens. It starts right from the letters of the Quirinale archives to get to decipher the great events that have marked the memory of our country, for better or for worse, such as the kidnapping of Aldo Morothe earthquake of Irpinia And the victory of the national team at the world championships Spain of 1982 (whose images are still vivid despite the 40 years since that triumph).

The narrator of Walter Veltroni

It is well known that the former politician has always had a predilection and passion for the world of cinema. From 2014 he made his directorial debut with the documentary When there was Berlinguerthey follow Children know and the concert film Fabrizio De Andrè and the PFM – the rediscovered concert, which in 2020 brought to light the live of the 1979 at the Genoa Fair. In 2019 Walter Veltroni made his directorial debut in a fiction film with There’s timea journey into pain and passion for cinema.

