Dealing with disabled people is unfair

By Konstantin Marrach

Every Monday BZ editors say what really bothers them. Today Konstantin Marrach, who complains about dealing with disabled people in everyday life.

A good friend of mine has a disability. She is supported in many areas of life. Unfortunately, there are often situations in which your handicap is dealt with unfairly.

That starts in everyday life. When she’s out and about, some watch her with wide eyes. Anyone who walks “differently” shouldn’t be stared at. Even hurtful sayings from some young people don’t work at all!

There are also more specific situations. Two examples:

► Recently she was with her husband and children in an indoor playground on Beilsteiner Straße in Marzahn. Normally there are reduced admission prices for people with a severely disabled pass (“80 percent restricted & B” are in it – i.e. dependent on an accompanying person). Not here!

Discounts are still offered for children with disabilities. Why not for parents with appropriate ID? Answer from a staff member: There are rarely disabled mothers or fathers among the visitors. What an absurd argument.

► The family experienced a similar scene at the Waltersdorf adventure farm near Berlin. As a rule, only the parents pay admission, the children can come in for free. In and of itself a good idea. But: If a parent with a handicap takes advantage of the handicap discount, the child pays the full admission price. And so, in the end, the family has to put down more money. Also absurd!

And something else that my friend will probably never forget: In spring 2021 she was shopping in the supermarket and wanted to go to the toilet. She was told that the toilet was closed for “reasons to protect against infection”. Staff are not allowed to make exceptions for people with disabilities.

I observed a similar scene at the same time of year at a gas station in Marzahn. There, a woman in a wheelchair was refused use of the toilet – because of Corona!

Is it still okay? Infection control is no justification for inhumanity.
