Deal on social security discount for hiring long-term unemployed to combat labor shortage | Inland

Employers are generally reluctant to hire the long-term unemployed because they fear they will lose their work attitude. That hesitation should disappear with a discount on social security contributions. The discount is an extension of the existing RSZ premium. Unlike the premium, it will apply to all long-term unemployed and not just to those actively seeking work.

The social partners and the government see a VDAB that approaches job seekers more as a crucial part of the solution. They consider that the fact that the employment mediator has only helped six out of ten job seekers find a job after a year in times of shortage is substandard.

That is why the VDAB has to assess after a week whether new job seekers can find a job on their own. If this is not the case, a first mediation meeting must take place after two weeks. Today that can take up to six weeks.

The government still has to work out the modalities, such as the amount of the RSZ discount. She has EUR 90 million for tackling the shortage on the labor market. The social partners must have the agreement approved by their supporters.
