Dead Omolade, ex Treviso and Turin: he was a symbol of the fight against racism

Violent death excluded. The former Nigerian striker from Treviso and Turin was found lifeless inside a car in the Ballarò neighborhood. In 2001 the comrades of the Venetian club painted their faces black in solidarity after the ultras had taken sides against his purchase

The world of football mourns Omolade. Akeem Omolade Oluwuashegun, a 39-year-old forward who played with the Altofonte shirt in the first Sicilian category last season, had also tasted Serie A in 2003 with Turin. Two years earlier, in Serie B with Treviso, his name had become a symbol of the fight against racism in the world of sport.

Causes to be clarified

As reported by Palermo Today, the Nigerian footballer was found dead this morning in a Peugeot in via Martoglio, in Ballarò. His body did not show external injuries: therefore, violent death was excluded. In the last few he had gone to the hospital several times for leg pain, without solving the problem. Just in the morning he was supposed to take an exam at the Polyclinic, but he couldn’t walk. A friend came to pick him up in his car, the Peugeot, to accompany him, but as soon as Omolade got into the car he felt ill. When help arrived, there was nothing more to be done. The carabinieri are acquiring medical documentation to try to understand the causes of death. Omolade has lived in Italy for years and has a young daughter: in addition to playing football he was a translator in court, and – according to what his family reports, assisted by the lawyer Antonio Cacioppo – he would not have had any health problems.

Against racism0

His name had become famous in 2001, when he wore the Treviso shirt. At the time, about thirty Venetian ultras – not new to acts of discrimination – withdrew their banners and left the stadium against his purchase: they did not like the color of his skin. On the following day, on the occasion of Treviso-Genoa, all the Treviso players (including the coach and the bench) entered the field with their faces painted black, as a sign of solidarity. Omolade then moved to Turin and made his Serie A debut with the grenade shirt against Inter in February 2003. His career then continued in minor tournaments: Ribera and Mazara, Borgata Terrave and Altofonte the last shirts worn.
