Dead mother sent Jethro Rostedt a Facebook friend request: “Disgusting”

Jethro Rostedt describes the experience to Iltalehte as disgusting.

Real estate agent Jethro Rostedt says on Twitter on Friday that he received a friend request on Facebook from an account that used Rostedt’s mother’s picture. Former Turku city councilor Maarit Rostedt died at the beginning of January from a sudden attack of illness.

If the embed doesn’t work, you can see the tweet as well from this link.

Contacted by Iltalehti, Rostedt states that it was not a pleasant experience. The friend request had the mother’s picture and full name.

– It’s disgusting. I hope it won’t happen again.

Rostedt does not believe that anyone is playing a joke at his expense, but suspects that the background is a phishing company, whose accounts have been hijacked. Rostedt says that her mother also had her own Facebook account.

Rostedt does not intend to take any measures regarding the matter, as he does not believe that anything can be done.

– Yes, that social media is in the Lord’s possession these days, the TV face exclaims.

Jethro Rostedt’s mother died in January. Henri Kärkkäinen

Five and a half years have passed since my mother’s death.

– It’s a rough place when someone suddenly leaves, even your own mother. Life goes on, nothing can be done.

– The monk’s mother was only 65, that’s no age these days. When it starts like that, it’s shocking, says Rostedt.
