Dead found on the Singel in Amsterdam, crime suspected | Inland

A dead man has been found on the Singel in the center of Amsterdam. The police suspect a crime. A spokeswoman cannot yet say whether it is a man or a woman.

The body was found around 3:30 this morning at the beginning of the canal. Several ambulances and a trauma helicopter were called, but the help was to no avail. How the person died is under investigation.

“There was a man bleeding in the street,” said one resident. “Against the house.” Last night she heard 911 being called. Another local resident, who has just come out of the shower, says he was not aware of the incident. The deposition starts right next to his house. Around 4 a.m., the police knocked on his door to ask if he had seen anything.


The street has been closed off on the odd side and the Forensic Investigation Department is investigating. Many Amsterdammers who have to go to work or other obligations are fed up with the deposition and start a discussion with the police. “I’ve had a discussion a hundred times this morning,” said one officer. That’s why she hangs a second ribbon. “I’ve been scolded for everything.”

A minute after she tells this, a middle-aged man, holding his bicycle, walks under the ribbon. He ignores the policewoman who tells him to stop. “I have to be here,” he says. In the end, he only walks back after the officer threatens to arrest him.

“Why was it shut down?” the man wonders. The officer: “Sir, you don’t think I’m standing here because someone has sweaty feet?”
