Dead boxer, the opponent: “I’ll kill myself”

“I can’t take it anymore”, explains Mntungwa to local media after the accusations received regarding the death of his opponent, reiterating that he is not responsible for the accident.

The drama doesn’t seem to end in South African boxing. After the tragic death of Simiso Buthelezi, portrayed in a video in which he punched the void, speaking in tones – if possible – even more worrying is the opponent of that meeting: “I can’t take it anymore, they call me a murderer – explained to Sowetan Live Siphesihle Mntungwa -. I think there is only one thing left to do: I will kill myself. “

Under attack

The boxer’s cerebral hemorrhage is therefore not the only aspect of the drama linked to the world of sport, because many on the internet did not appreciate – euphemism – the exultation of Mntungwa at the moment of victory. Obviously the latter could not know the problems of his challenger him: “I was the subject of heavy criticism and I received insults on social media when Simiso was hospitalized. Things got even worse when he died”. The outburst to the local media makes one shiver: “I’m not safe anymore. I didn’t kill Simiso. It was a boxing match, not a matter of life or death. All I wanted was to win the title, I could change the life of the company. my family”. In cases like yours, sport can really be a turning point: “I’m the only one working at home. My mother died when I was four, my father is far away. People call me a killer, but I could have died. “.

In crisis

Mntungwa will not attend Buthelezi’s funeral, obviously out of fear, and meanwhile the South African boxing federation has opened an investigation. According to some tests, the boxer’s conditions were already compromised before the match and this would further alleviate the alleged “faults” that currently weigh on his opponent: “It is sad and very painful what happened, but obviously I did not go into the ring with the intention of killing him “. Obviously, but many have not considered it.
