Dead and dozens injured after stands collapse at Colombia bullfight | NOW

At least four people, including a child, have been killed in Colombia after part of the stands of an arena collapsed during a bullfight. At least 70 other spectators were injured, including 30 seriously. This is confirmed by the governor of the Tolima department.

Videos are circulating on social media showing the wooden bleachers collapsing on one side of the arena. The bullring in the town of El Espinal, about 150 kilometers southwest of the capital Bogota, had hundreds of people in the audience. All the people under the rubble have been rescued, said El Espinal mayor Luis Fernando Velez.

The cause of the accident is still unclear at this time. Mayor Velez called on people in the vicinity of the arena to leave and give free rein to the emergency services, who have been deployed en masse.

A bullfight called Corraleja, as part of the Peter and Paul Festival, is said to have taken place in the arena. This is reported by various media. According to a newspaper report El Tiempo a bull sowed panic in the city streets after the incident.
