De Wever about his strategy: “After elections in 2024 quickly form a mini-cabinet with PS” | Interior

After the 2024 elections, N-VA chairman Bart De Wever wants to quickly set up a federal mini-cabinet, he says in an interview with ‘Het Nieuwsblad’ and the ‘Gazet Van Antwerp’ on Saturday.

“You only occupy the vice posts and agree on a number of minimal objectives, mainly budgetary ones. In the meantime, you are renovating the country in depth, with a confederal turnaround,” said De Wever. The N-VA chairman sees this as an alternative to a long period of current affairs and a restart of Vivaldi. He expressly looks at PS to to form a mini-cabinet.

Prime Minister yourself? “why not”

In 2019, the parties were also close to an emergency government during the corona crisis. Unlike then, De Wever sees it as an instrument to transfer powers to the federated states. De Wever does not rule out becoming prime minister himself in that scenario. “Why not?” it sounds.

Why would PS chairman Paul Magnette opt for such a mini-cabinet? “Of course Magnette now says that confederalism is not negotiable,” said De Wever. “I would say the same with the hot breath of the PVDA/PTB on the neck. It would be dangerous to be portrayed as an accomplice of the N-VA. But Belgium will not be reformed by great political will, but by the impossibility of governing.”

“Confederalism is not unfeasible”

“Confederalism is not unfeasible, but that will be denied until election day,” De Wever continues. “If Magnette sees an opportunity to continue Vivaldi, he will certainly do it.”

“But the choice is not up to him, but up to the Flemish voter”, it sounds. “The question is whether the dwarves in Flanders are still big enough to jump on Vivaldi again. The key therefore lies with the CD&V and Open Vld voters. Something tells me they’ll be smaller than ever. You are now very close to the end game in this country, a ‘rien ne va plus’ moment. In 2024 it will be Vivaldi against non-Vivaldi.”

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