De Vreese just misses the new N-VA vice-chairmanship

De Vreese just misses the new N-VA vice-chairmanship

The approximately 200-member party council of N-VA voted on Saturday about the succession of Valerie Van Peel as vice-chairman of the party. With her greater fame and her role as the poulain of former State Secretary Theo Francken, De Vreese clearly seemed the favorite beforehand, but it is not the first time that the N-VA party council has made an unexpected decision.

Defense via video message

The new vice-chairman, Lieve Truyman, is N-VA alderman in Temse. For De Vreese it is the second time that she has lost out in the elections as vice-chairman. Earlier this year, she also had to give up against Steven Vandeput, then in succession to Lorin Parys.

What may also have played a role on Saturday is that De Vreese herself was not present because she is in the US for a course. She therefore defended her candidacy via a video message. Truyman, for her part, emphasized the local anchoring of the party in her speech. De Vreese wishes Truyman good luck on Twitter. “You have an important task to fulfill towards 2024! And of course I am disappointed. I would have loved to do this with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.”

De Brugse does not intend to give up: “I am currently surrounded by a group of fantastic people in the United States. The days will be full of politically challenging conversations, of migration about the economy and geopolitical challenges. I’m back to fly in!”
