De Tapperij must vacate the building on Kerkplein in Meppel within 14 days

The Tapperij on the Kerkplein in Meppel must pack its bags within fourteen days and deliver the building empty. That is what the judge decided on Tuesday.

The pub has more than a ton in rent debt to the beer brewer Heineken, from which the building is rented. It also does not appear that the debt can be paid off. De Tapperij has been closed since April 2022 and has given the keys to a third party without the permission of the brewery. These are three grounds on which De Tapperij falls short and the lease may be dissolved.


Two weeks ago, the parties appeared in court in Assen. Heineken had only one message: an evacuation of the building. The owner of Kerkplein 10 is Leo de Boer. He in turn leases it to Heineken. De Tapperij is again renting from the beer brewery. This construction has existed since December 2018. In November, Heineken already went to court for a dissolution of this agreement.

De Tapperij had a buyer and with the sale the overdue rent could be paid. The judge thought that this should be given a chance and ruled in favor of the pub. De Tapperij paid the rents for November and December 2022. After that nothing came. Heineken is said to have frustrated the negotiations of the alleged new owner about the purchase price with the Tapperij by whispering to the new buyer that the price was much too high.

This does not appear to be the case, according to the judge. Moreover, Heineken is not obliged to work with a new owner, if he has not been selected by Heineken itself. Furthermore, there is no evidence that Heineken has behaved as a bad landlord. The Tapperij can still appeal against this judgment.
