De Peiling: which expression from your regional language should the world know?

Dutch is the least attractive language in the world research of a platform for online language courses. We do not feel addressed, because ‘We are North Holland’. And here you have the most beautiful languages ​​in the world, namely: West Frisian, Amsterdam, Zaans, Goois, IJmuidens, Volendams and so on.

The platform for online language courses used a heart rate monitor to determine which language made the respondents’ hearts beat the fastest. The Italian language emerged as the winner, while Dutch came in at the bottom. Most likely they were not presented with the North Holland language, otherwise the result of the investigation would have been different. Because there’s nothing like an expression like ‘your ebbe apostle and Bunskoeters’, right?

Dialect is still spoken in many North Holland regions. In West Friesland words pass by, such as; ‘skofty’, ‘hillegare’ or ‘be in the way’. In IJmuiden, too, they created their own language, or rather, secret language, from 1900 onwards. They reversed their words so that fishermen from other areas could not hear their conversations. ‘Hello how are you?’ became ‘Ollah, sella deog?’.

As a subject at school

These dialects and regional languages ​​seem to be slowly disappearing. That’s because young people don’t speak it anymore. In various regions they want to change this and even want the children to receive the regional language as a subject at school.

The most beautiful dialects are also spoken in other North Holland regions. Which word or expression from your regional language should the world know?
