De Peiling: the tax return is a piece of cake

One of the most annoying accounting jobs of the year can be done again from today: filing your tax return. A tedious job for some, but it often pays to sit down for it. How about you? Is the tax return easy for you or are you dreading it?

This year it may be extra important for some to see where savings can be made. For this you have to look at deductible items, costs you have incurred and may be deducted from the amount on which you have to pay income tax. In short: the more deductions, the more favorable it is.


There may be deductions you didn’t know existed. For example, you can often get back extra and necessary costs incurred at the dentist. You can also get back part of the money you donated to charities in 2022. The charity must then have an ANBI status. Whether they have this can be found on the Internet. If you receive little or no travel allowance from your employer, you can also deduct the costs of public transport on your tax return. The conditions are that you must travel at least 10 kilometers and you are unable to get to work other than by public transport. So it might make sense to sit down for a day for the tax return.
