De Lijn also writes the following year because of personal escorts | Inland

The Lijn zal ook na Nieuwjaar nog roden structureel uit de dienstregeling moeten scraps because of personnel escorts. He was riding in the region of Antwerp, Leuven and Mechelen, so reported the vervoersmaatschappij.

The trip was on September 1st and there were bus rides across Vlaanderen. The creation of the year is still alive, the need to be opened in the future. Now you can see that the problems are still there.

The various locations can be used in the service regulations which are completely verzekeren, in Antwerp, Leuven and Mechelen, on January 8th, and the time has come to pass. In the region there is a moment in the labor market that sounds like crap.

Print lijnen en school rides

Door het personeelstekort many soms rode onvoorzien of laattijdig away. This means that the vervoersmaatschappij ervoor the dienstverlening tijdelijk maar structureel aan te om de betrouwbaarheid te verhogen. Printed lijnen en school rides have been saved there, it sounds.

With an overview of the website of the lijn, you can see that from all the rides on different lijnen. The connection made has long been in the Antwerp region. Zodra is a full-time person who has been ridden and guaranteed.

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Al 40 klachten in lesser than maand: plan van De Lijn om 3,000 halts te scrapen onder vuur (+)

KIJK. In October, 24 buses were destroyed by fire in Tienen
