De Korenbloem takes all the prizes during Bloemencorso Eelde with ‘David Attenborough’

Corsowijk De Korenbloem has become the big winner of the 67th edition of the Bloemencorso Eelde. The district won all the prizes with their car David Attenborough.

This means that the car takes home the first prize, the honorary prize, the designer prize and the arranger prize.

This year’s theme was ‘Globetrotters’. The parade was shown live on TV Drenthe. If you want to see the winning car in action, watch the replay of the broadcast tonight at 8.30 pm. Our registration of the corso will also be repeated all day tomorrow.

Where the four prizes for the cars went to the Korenbloem, Duinstraat also took two prizes. This district won the extras prize and the audience prize with their car with the theme ‘the day of the dead’.
