De experience van Wouter Beke. “As we maken within two years an objectieve analysis van zijn beleid, we zien dat that he nog not so slecht uitkomt” | landlocked

Dramatic woningbrand war twee meisjes (10 and 12) om het leven kwamen ontstond door cannabis plantation van Ouders

Beginning in April there were two girls, Tessa (12) and Lizzie (10), before he lived with a brand in a building in Le Bizet, and a village in Henegouwen that was designed by Ploegsteert. After the incident, a separate event will be started after the other two people. Because of this, there is now a brand ontstond op de zolder van het house, what are the other things with the improvised equipment for cannabis storage. This is reported by the Franstalige nieuwswebsite ‘SudInfo’.

14 mei
