De Croo at UN: “also create legal routes to Europe” | Abroad

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo wants to conclude a new European migration pact during the Belgian EU presidency next year, so that each member state takes on its share of the work and the borders are strengthened. But according to the Prime Minister, there must also be legal routes to Europe, through education and talent programs.

De Croo said this on Wednesday local time in New York at the United Nations General Assembly. The migration issue was an important part of the Prime Minister’s speech. “The core of the problem is that migration as we know it today depends on pure luck,” De Croo said. “The current model gives all control and power to human smugglers. They decide life and death. They decide who enters a country and who doesn’t.”

That is “unacceptable, unsustainable and immoral,” the prime minister said. He hopes to finalize a new European migration pact during the Belgian EU presidency. “A pact to ensure that every EU country does its share of the work. Strengthening solidarity, standardizing and accelerating procedures, and working towards a common European readmission and return policy,” he explained. “And finally, a pact to strengthen our common borders.”

But for De Croo the pact is only part of the solution. Partnerships must address the causes of migration: poverty and the lack of economic opportunities. Collaborations with the countries of origin must provide equal rights and opportunities for everyone, “and not just for a small ruling class”.

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African dream

“And yes, solving migration also means creating legal routes to Europe,” De Croo said. “Through education and talent programs. To strengthen the societies of the homelands.” Young Africans should be able to pursue the “African dream” instead of risking their lives at sea for the European or American dream, the prime minister believes.

De Croo also advocated a “New Industrial Deal”. The industry remains needed in Europe, he emphasized. After all, she will have to come up with climate solutions for the future. He gave chemistry, metal and construction as examples. “They are needed to build our net zero future.”

The Prime Minister also emphasized the importance of nuclear energy, and mentioned the extension of the lifespan of the Doel 4 and Tihange 3 nuclear reactors. “We remain a nuclear nation,” De Croo said. “And we will seek renewed close cooperation with other nuclear countries.”

Finally, De Croo lashed out at Russia, not only because of the war against Ukraine but also because of its presence in Africa. For De Croo, what the mercenary army Wagner and Russia are doing there is the same as what is going on in Ukraine: “colonization”. The Prime Minister therefore called for protection “against new forms of imperialism”.
