Day three Flora and Fisheries Days: free fish and a lot to admire

There was a lot of fun again on the third day of the Flora and Fisheries Days in Den Oever. There was a lot to experience and especially a lot of fish to taste. “I just learned to peel a shrimp,” says a cheerful visitor.

This year’s program in the port area is largely the same as that of the canceled edition in 2020, including a funfair, markets, performances and a fleet review. In addition to tasting fish, today visitors could admire many old machines along the quay. Such as old equipment that was used on farms in the last century.

fish table

At the fish auction was a large table full of fish that the Wieringers caught. “It is all kinds of North Sea fish and shellfish. There is everything. It is really a very nice fish table,” says Janjaap Kuin, maker of the fish table, proudly.

The fish from the fish table is there for decoration, but a lot of fish is also distributed on these days. “Free for all visitors. So that they know what kind of fish there is in our country,” says Marjolein Koster of the fish festival committee.

The Flora and Fisheries Days are there until tomorrow. The entire program can be found online at the website or in the magazine that has been distributed.
