Day of trial very tough for sister of stabbed Dani: “The pain remains”

An emotionally charged day for Uzma Elahi, the older sister of Dani (14), who was stabbed last year in Hoorn. The lawsuit against the 17-year-old suspect was heard in the court of Alkmaar today. “It’s still hard to accept what happened.”

On October 26, 2022, Uzma’s life took a bizarre turn when her 14-year-old brother got into a fight near the Oscar Romero secondary school in Hoorn, which was allegedly related to a clothing swap. The stabbing that followed proved fatal. Danny passed away several days later.

Eight months later, sister Uzma and the 17-year-old suspect face each other in the court of Alkmaar. A very tough day for the relatives of Dani, who sentenced the Public Prosecution Service to 21 months juvenile detention and demand treatment. “That sentence? It is much too low,” she responds outside the court. “If you can kill someone like that and this is the demand… no.”


So soon after the session it is difficult to find the right words. “It was very tough. I found it intense today, very difficult to listen to everything so extensively and to be in the same room with the suspect. Because he did it and that is still unbelievable. Very strange for him than to see there. Whether he shows sincere repentance? I have no idea.”

The violent incident in Hoorn shocked the entire West Friesland region. A sea of ​​flowers quickly arose at the site of the stabbing incident, a condolence register could be signed in his hometown of Westwoud and hundreds of people joined in the silent march through Hoorn.

Uzma is grateful for the many expressions of support: “It was very special to see that so many people had come. There were bears, flowers, letters, candles, everything. I did experience that as support.”

Life upside down

It is little consolation in difficult times. “My life and our family’s life is still turned upside down. It’s very hard to accept what happened. The pain remains. It seems like it was yesterday. What hurts the most? That he’s gone. “
