Day of Care promotes a range of jobs

Day of Care promotes a range of jobs

On the Day of Care, the public can look over the shoulders of the medical staff. This year’s open day will of course also be dominated by the countless vacancies in the sector. In home nursing, for example, there is a staff shortage of 10 percent. Even after the corona concerns of the past two years, the healthcare professionals have earned the attention on this special day.

It is their first Day of Care for the AZ Delta in Rumbeke. The campus is only two years old. The hospital is part of the AZ Delta network that gathers nearly 1,400 beds and 4,000 employees at four different locations. For the time being, they have the corona virus under control, because there are no more patients in intensive care. Twenty-five patients have still been admitted, but they are in general less bad than during the first wave.
