DAX volatile today | Corporate News Atoss and Philips | Alibaba

The DAX was already volatile in the morning, managed to do it in the short term with a plus of 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2022, with Chinese GDP data that were better than expected, even passed the 12,900 point mark, but fell in the process bad purchasing manager data for manufacturing, services and the composite index. The DAX even dipped below the 12,750 point mark.

Company announcements on Tuesday included Atoss Software (ISIN DE0005104400) and Philips (ISIN NL0000009538).

Despite the better Chinese economic data, a large number of Chinese technology stocks were clearly negative, including ADRs from Alibaba (ISIN US01609W1027).

In the course of the trading week, in addition to the ECB meeting on Thursday with the interest rate decision, dozens of quarterly results will also have to be considered – for example from Alphabet, Meta Platforms and Microsoft.

Our dealer Erdem comments on this overall and brings further information into the conversation.

By looking at the dates already published for the day, you have a comprehensive view of today’s trading day.
