DAX skips the 16000 | CTS Eventim heading for all-time high | Cisco Systems

After the DAX had consolidated just below the 16,000 point mark for several weeks, the leap above it was achieved today for the holiday. With prices around 16,220 points, the index has meanwhile approached its all-time high of around 100 points. Even if the volume on a public holiday in Germany, when the stock market is open, is below average, these movements cannot be dismissed out of hand and go “hand in hand”, so to speak, with the new annual highs in the Nasdaq from the previous day. .

We’ll talk about that with Ingmar Königshofen, look at other price targets and align this with the statistics on annual seasonality. Can a "Sell in may…" yet to come?

Cisco Systems, which reported quarterly figures in the USA yesterday, is exciting when it comes to individual values. The network equipment supplier was convincing in the first quarter, but can no longer promise high growth rates for the rest of the year. The stock fell accordingly.

EasyJet reports very good capacity utilization from Europe. The share is therefore still in demand before summertime and could technically exceed its resistance by six euros. The current analyst rating is also neutral, but a buy signal in the chart could paint over this.

Third value in reporting is CTS Eventim. With other events and also the organization that the company offers in addition to ticket sales, money is being earned again. After the Corona period, the share is in demand again among investors. The price target could now be the all-time high of just over 70 euros, as Ingmar Königshofen reports here.

With a look at further quarterly figures and the dates of the day, you have a comprehensive view of today’s trading day.

Come well informed with TRADERS´ media GmbH and the LS Exchange through the trading day.
