DAX gives up some gains from previous day, consumer prices, Deutsche Bank

The DAX completed an intraday reversal yesterday, changing direction from 12,000 points to over 12,600 points in premarket trading today after consumer prices. Today’s consolidation with a current drop to 12,400 points is causing further uncertainty among many investors. Which direction will the market take in the medium term?

We talk about that with our dealer Patrick in this interview and discuss not only the consumer prices yesterday but also the effects on the real estate market. Because interest rates that continue to rise are causing concern in many areas, such as the construction industry or mortgage brokerage.

Vonovia in particular suffers from this, which currently has a very attractive dividend, but first has to master the challenge of worsening general conditions.

On the plus side, a Deutsche Bank is the daily winner for two days in a row. Has the restructuring of the group already been completed there and what are the prospects for the largest bank in Germany?

By looking at the dates already published for the day, you have a comprehensive view of today’s trading day.

Come well informed with TRADERS´ media GmbH and the LS Exchange through the trading day.

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