Davis Cup, Sonego warrior and leader of Italy

Strong against the strong, often in difficulty against those with a worse ranking than him. But when Lorenzo enters battle mode…

A team cannot live on quality alone, on number 10s alone. It also takes those who get their hands dirty, those who exalt themselves in the mud, those who love being the underdog to make victories even more epic. Here he is, once again, Lorenzo Sonego. The Gattuso of Italy in 2006, the one who says: “I would always take him with me to war”. The man who knows how to bring out the best when the bar is raised and who overturns logic: yes, for someone like him it is almost natural that a defeat against a little-known player (Galarneau, number 200 in the world, zero ATP victories) is followed from an adrenaline-filled success against a tough opponent like Nicolas Jarry, 22nd player in the ranking.
