David Lynch condemns Putin: “You reap what you sow”

David Lynch is one of the most remarkable filmmakers of our time – and he gives Los Angeles his very own weather forecast every day. On his YouTube channel, he not only talks about temperatures and the probability of rain, but also about what is on his mind at the moment. At the moment this is mainly one topic: the ruthless invasion of Russia.

In the video from February 25, 2022, David Lynch addressed the Russian President directly, who is responsible for the invasion and the suffering of millions: “If I may say something about President Putin: We are judged as human beings by how we treat our fellow human beings. And there is a law of nature, an immutable law. There are no loopholes, there is no escape. This law is: You reap what you sow. And right now, Mr. Putin, you are sowing death and destruction, and you are responsible for it.”

The Ukrainians did not attack your country. They invaded their country and attacked it. And all that death and destruction will come back and visit you.

David Lynch believes in karma

Lynch then reminded Putin that karma will catch up with him sooner or later. “In this great whole, in this show that we are a part of, there is infinite time, so you have plenty of time – lifetime at a time – to reap what you sow. My advice to you is: save yourself. Save the Ukrainians, save this world. Start getting along with your neighbors. Start making friends. We are a world family. There is no more room for this kind of absurdity. Join us. Stop this attack. Let’s work together so that all countries in the world can find each other in peace, get along and solve the problems we have together.”

+++This article first appeared on rollingstone.de+++
