David is working on a system that can prevent large debts: ‘It’s nice to be working on this every day’ | Work

What does a…If you look at our job landscape, you will see special functions. A field service engineer, a lab technician or an assembly worker: we obviously need them badly, but for what and why? In this series, someone tells about his or her profession every week. Today: David Roberts (42) Business Information Analyst at Stichting BKR.

What exactly do you do?
,,As a Business Information Analyst at Stichting BKR, I work on the secure information system ‘Find place of Debt’ by supervising the implementation of new functionalities.”

‘Find place of Debt’, what is that?
The amended Municipal Debt Assistance Act (Wgs) describes how municipalities can exchange residents’ payment arrears with housing associations, energy and drinking water companies and health insurers. Early identification of payment arrears can prevent problematic debts. This is possible, for example, via ‘Find place of debt’, the system that the BKR Foundation developed.”

That’s a nice system.
,,That’s right. I also really enjoy working with this on a daily basis. Unfortunately, there is still quite a taboo on debt, which means that people do not always dare to ask for help. Municipalities can offer help to residents in a timely manner through this system, so that large debts can be prevented.”

Was this job a conscious choice?
“I have worked for years in the financial industry, at banks and pension funds. That became too commercial for me, I wanted to make a social contribution. Four years ago I came to the BKR Foundation. At BKR we promote the financial well-being of all Dutch people. It feels good to be a part of this.”


Unfortunately, there is still quite a taboo on debt, which means that people do not always dare to ask for help

What do you like about your job?
,,My job is versatile, I like that. For example, I enter into discussions with municipalities about their wishes regarding the system. How can we make the system even better? Then I have discussions with my colleagues at BKR about how we can implement this. If that is successful, I can tell municipalities how the new functionalities in the system work.”

What’s less fun?
,,That we can realize less quickly than I would like. I would like to develop more quickly so that municipalities can offer help even more quickly. Well, that’s not always possible. So many people, so many wishes.”

Which skills are important for a Business Information Analyst?
,,I have a coordinating role and I have to coordinate a lot. Communication skills are therefore very important. You also have to be willing and daring to be action-oriented, otherwise nothing will get done.”

Do friends and family find your job interesting?
,, The first thing people think of is often the credit registration of BKR. I then explain that BKR is more than that and they usually find it more interesting. In the news you often hear the negative stories of people with large debts. People like to hear that there are also positive stories.”

How are your colleagues?
“Of course I have very nice colleagues! We work with about 130 people. That’s not a small amount, but everyone actually knows each other. The working atmosphere ensures that I keep my energy. The drive among colleagues is great, we have a common goal.”


We work with about 130 people. That’s not little, but actually everyone knows each other

How is the work-life balance?
,,Good. I work 36 hours, usually three days in the office and two days at home. I can organize my time flexibly. That’s nice.”

Will you continue to do this work until you retire?
,,Well, until my retirement is long. I’m 42 and I still have 25 years to work. For now, this position is made for me. I get a lot of energy from my work. As long as that’s the case, I don’t have to look for another position.”

Do you want to lose something?
“If you have payment problems, know that the municipality can help you. If you ring the bell in time, major money problems can be avoided. I think that’s so important to emphasize. That taboo must be broken, people should not be ashamed.”

Working as a business analyst

Want to be David’s colleague? Here you will find all current vacancies at BKR.

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