David Bowie guitarist Ricky Gardiner (73) passed away | Stars

The Scottish musician suffered from Parkinson’s disease and required 24-hour care for the past few years. He lost his mobility and speech and suffered “horribly,” according to his daughter. Still, he remained “strong and determined to the end.”

Gardiner played in several bands and in 1969 joined the rock band Beggars Opera, with which he recorded six albums. He became known for his contribution to the iconic Bowie album low, which appeared in 1977. He can also be heard on the Bowie-produced LP Lust For Life by Iggy Pop and wrote the famous riff for the song The Passenger† In 2015, Gardiner released his last work, a solo album called Songs For The Electric

Iggy Pop praised the musician on Twitter and thanked him for all the memories and songs. “Dearest Ricky, sweet, nice man, shirtless in your overalls, nicest man who ever played the guitar,” wrote the American rock singer. “Rest in peace forever.”
