David Beckham opens up about his “tiring” illness – in Finland, the disorder occurs in 1-3 percent

Beckham has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

David Beckham keeps his home perfectly clean. PDO

David Beckham, 47, hid his diagnosis for a long time. In 2006, he could no longer keep quiet about it.

At the time, the England football star said he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It is a psychiatric disorder that manifests itself in various compulsive thought patterns and habits.

In the documentary series published on the Netflix service, Beckham opens up about his civil life and tells how obsessive-compulsive disorder is reflected in his everyday life.

– When the whole family has gone to bed, I have to go around the whole house, turn off the lights or put them on the right setting and clean up all the messes. I can’t stand the fact that the dishes are not washed in the morning, Beckham reveals.

Futsal star and fashion icon is his wife Victoria Beckham’s according to “so perfect” when it comes to housework.

of The Guardian according to the documentary shows how even the film crew is amazed by Beckham’s extremely clean kitchen.

– I clean it so well. I’m not sure if my wife can even appreciate it, “Becks” says.

He describes his compulsions as “tiring”, even though he is already used to them.

Beckham, who grew up in London, moved to Manchester United in 1991 and played there until 2003. Then came the move to Spain, when Real Madrid acquired the midfield superstar.

In his last seasons, Beckham played in AC Milan, LA Galaxy and PSG. He was seen 115 times in the England A national team.

Nowadays, his main job is as club boss. Beckham owns Inter Miami CF, which plays in the North American MLS series.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

About 1–3 percent of adults have obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD). Its prevalence is the same in men and women.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by compulsive thoughts and/or actions.

Obsessions are recurring distressing thoughts that are hard to get out of your mind. Compulsions are repetitive behavior aimed at relieving anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts. Compulsive activities, or rituals, can also be activities that take place inside the mind.

Sources: Good treatment, Health library, Duodecim, Mieli ry, Mental health house
