Dave saves 3 children from upside-down car in ditch: ‘Father was screaming’

The three children, who were rescued from a rollover car on Tuesday evening, were barely saved. The car was upside down in a ditch along the A16 near Prinsenbeek. The eldest child already had his head under water. There was also a baby in the car.

Dave Brood (53) from Huizen in North Holland drove right behind the car in question. He was on his way home in the camper with his wife (51), two daughters and sons-in-law, when he saw the car with the children hit from behind near Prinsenbeek.

“My children, my children!”

“The car started to spin and overturned and ended up on its roof in the ditch. I immediately stopped and ran out of the camper. There stood the children’s father screaming in panic: ‘My children, my children!’”

Dave and his two sons-in-law (23 and 25) didn’t think twice and jumped into the car. “The eldest child had his head under water,” says Dave. “I held that up and we cut the strap.”

“At one point the father shouted that he still missed his baby.”

One by one, the three children were taken out of the water and taken care of by Dave’s wife and his two daughters (19 and 22) with duvets from the camper.

“At one point the children’s father shouted that he still missed his baby. Not another one, I thought. So we dived back into the car, but fortunately it turned out that the baby had already been rescued and was safely in my wife’s arms. I was very shocked.” The emergency services arrived quickly and took over the care of the children.

“We were bluntly ordered to leave.”

“This really has a huge impact on you,” Dave says a day later, his voice still slightly shaking. “You really hope you never experience this.” Dave doesn’t know how the children are doing now. In all the consternation there was no time to exchange numbers. Dave and his sons-in-law were also soaking wet and cold and the police forced them to leave the scene.

“We were bluntly ordered to leave. Fortunately, we found a fire station at the next exit where we could catch our breath. There we could shower and get hot coffee.”

Dave hopes he will soon hear how the children are doing. And of course with their father. He was certainly not left behind by the rescue operation.


The message about the accident itself

Images from after the accident:

Photo: Marcel van Dorst/SQ Vision
Photo: Marcel van Dorst/SQ Vision
