Daughter Linda de Mol now officially a celebrity: ‘Call my manager!’

Noa Vahle, the daughter of Linda de Mol, now officially considers herself one celebrity. She has therefore hired her mother’s manager: Xenia Kasper. “Call my manager!”

© YouTube, SBS

You may wonder whether Xenia Kasper is the right choice as a manager after the bizarre letters from Linda de Mol full of emotional diarrhea – she stood there and looked at it – but Noa Vahle apparently has a lot of confidence in it. Linda’s daughter has hired the star strategist to also represent her interests.

Noa has a manager

Wilfred Genee asked her in last night Inside today: “Do you already have a manager, Noa?”

Noa: “Recently, yes.”

Wilfred: “What did that manager actually say to you? What is your manager’s advice at the moment? What is your career plan?”

Noa: “Oh, I’m not really talking about that. With my manager, you mean?”

Yes, quite a silly question from Wilfred. If Noa wants to get a new job, she will of course not discuss this with Xenia, but just let them drive John and Linda’s golden wheelbarrow.

Politely say no

What does she need that Xenia for? “I have more – and that all sounds very serious now – that if there are a lot of requests for things, it is just nice if someone says no very politely. Either yes or no.”

Ah, Xenia is a glorified answering machine. Noa’s colleague Sam Hagens prefers to fulfill that position himself: “I know everything about everything that is going on!”

All-rounder VIPS

Wilfred to Noa: “What kind of applications are those?”

Noa: “From: do you want to participate in this or that?”

Rutger Castricum: “Yes, of course. Of course she receives all kinds of invitations from De Alleskunner VIPS and all that nonsense.”

The All-rounder VIPS is a program from Noa’s uncle. All that nonsense from John, Rutger means.

Crazy antics

Wilfred: “You say no to that? That’s impossible!”

Yes, Noa decides. “After the World Cup, Johan said: ‘You shouldn’t do crazy antics. Just do your thing and don’t get involved in all sorts of programs.’”
