Dash cam: what it is and how it works

Car cameras can be a useful tool in the event of an accident or in fraud attempts, but the rules to be observed, especially in terms of privacy, are not homogeneous across Europe.

To understand how widespread car cameras are, just type “Dash cam” on search engines to get your favorite type of video: chases, races, accidents, up to the most unlikely events that can happen every day on the street stage, made credible precisely from the cameras. On a legal level, they can be useful in the event of an accident, for scams and, in some cases, even for insurance purposes. But there are rules to follow for the use of dash cams, especially on the protection of privacy, which may vary depending on the country in which we are located.

Dash cam: what they are and what they are for

Short for “dashboard camera” they are literally “dashboard cameras” capable of recording everything that happens while driving. It is generally installed on the windshield of a car, in a position that does not affect the driver’s view. The dash cam records every meter traveled by the car and, once the memory is exhausted, begins to overwrite the oldest recordings. There are different types, with front view, double view, or 360 ° panoramic view. They are almost always powered by the energy produced by the moving car via USB cable, although wireless devices have recently been increasing. Some car manufacturers, such as Citroen, install them as standard on their most popular models.

What the law says

Is the security camera that can record what happens in front of vehicles legal? Can the recorded images be used in the event of an accident? Here are the advantages and limits imposed by the regulations. In Italy, the use of the dash cam is not strictly regulated, although with regard to positioning and use, reference can be made to art. 169 of the CdS which states: “In all vehicles the driver must have the greatest freedom of movement to carry out the maneuvers necessary for driving”. There is no prohibition on using objects if they do not limit the driver’s field of vision and his freedom of movement. The dash cam, therefore, if positioned correctly is not prohibited by any standard.

Use of images

The discussion on the use of images is different, because we enter the field of privacy protection. These, in fact, define the limits of use of images in the absence of a specific Italian law on dash cams. Therefore, by virtue of the existing laws on the processing of personal data, those in possession of videos or images cannot systematically communicate them to third parties or disseminate them. For example, to publish a video on social networks made with the dash cam, neither the people taken nor any other personal data attributable to someone’s identification, such as car license plates, must be recognizable. In case of accidents (therefore that do not occur systematically, but only occasionally), however, the video can be shown for personal purposes to people who are part of the insurance chain.

In case of an accident

In the event of an accident, the videos recorded by the dash cam have evidential value only if not contested by the opposing party. This happens quite frequently, so much so that according to a recent sentence of the Court of Cassation “any disavowal of the opposing party must be clear, detailed and explicit, having to materialize in the attachment of elements attesting to the non-correspondence between factual reality and reproduced reality “. Therefore, the dispute cannot be merely generic, but based on convincing facts. In any case, if necessary, the Judge will have to evaluate the admissibility of the video.
