Darter Gerwyn Price continues to throw despite broken hand | Darts

The number two in the world suffered a hand injury after the UK Open earlier this month. Despite the pain in his throwing hand, Price reached the Premier League semi-finals in Nottingham two weeks ago and won a Players Championship in Germany last weekend.

Further hospital checks have now revealed a small fracture in the hand bone. Price will be wearing a supportive splint for the coming weeks. He will remove the splint during Thursday night’s game against Joe Cullen.

“My hand was still hurting, so I went back to the hospital. The x-ray showed a small fracture,” Price said. “The usual course of action would be to be in a cast for four weeks, but with the Premier League and other events I didn’t want that. I showed that I can still play darts well despite the injury and I will do my very best to win in Birmingham on Thursday.”

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