Daredevils take an hour-long ride in the Toverland roller coaster | 1Limburg

Who dares and can mentally ride the Troy roller coaster for 24 hours in a row?

Toverland amusement park has the ultimate test case for 24 daredevils. While the park is emptying and the visitors go home, the participants in the park are presented with a presentation of what awaits them. At the entrance are bowls full of donuts. Only a few venture into the treat, but most decline knowing that they will soon have to sit on a roller coaster for two hours. Because that’s the test case.

pee break
The amusement park chose 24 roller coaster freaks from 4000 registrations. They have a chance to participate in a challenge on 2 July to sit in the Troy, the wooden roller coaster of Toverland, for 24 hours. Tessa Maessen of Toverland reassures somewhat that all participants get a bathroom break every hour and that they have to take a half hour break every five hours.

Michelle Hermsen (19) from Wanssum did not hesitate for a moment to sign up; her mother called her crazy, but she herself thought it was a nice challenge. The goal in particular appealed to her enormously. Money is being raised for the Dare to ask foundation. An organization of Youtuber Dylan Heagens and Marit Brugmans. The foundation is there to help young people recognize and acknowledge psychological problems. During the challenge, amusement park enthusiasts can take a ride with one of the participants for a fee. Thomas Geelens from Maastricht is also one of the lucky ones: “I’ve had a fascination with roller coasters since I was a kid, so it’s great fun if you can stay on.”

Yet after an hour, Geelens throws in the towel. He becomes nauseous and cannot continue. Tessa Maessen calls this exactly the reason why the test evening is given: “The candidates can determine in this way, do I dare to take it for 24 hours or is it too much for me and that is also good.”

Michelle Hermsen is unstoppable. For two hours she partied and made friends. A photo will be taken soon. Only in a few weeks will Toverland let you know who is through. Michelle’s new group of friends is looking forward to it and calls the 24-hour challenge in advance already apple, egg.
