Danny’s comment about Mira Luodi appears on TV – “Get what you ordered”

Mira Luod’s Suomi soi song is actually dedicated to Ilkka Lipsase.

Today, Mira Luoti plays Tina Turner in Suomi soi Private Dancer – song into Finnish. In a way, it is dedicated to Ilkka Lipsase.

Danny has named me a tiger and thinks that I am Finland’s Tina Turner, Luoti says on TV.

– I agree. Danny gets what he ordered. Now let’s get Tina Turner out of me.

Mira Luoti was the first; Samuli Putro also requested Privat Dancer to perform. Elle Laitila

Luodi’s spouse, the CEO of the Mökkitie Records record company, will also be seen on stage Was from Germany Erika-daughter. He dances convincingly.

– Eerika will become something more, Luoti believes.

Tina Turner has been called the queen of rock’n’roll. Michael Olivers / Alamy Stock Photo, All Over Press

Mira Luoti is not the only one in the group who wanted to perform the iconic hit. I was also interested in that Samuli Putroa, who managed to translate the song. He still thinks that it’s only good that Luoti performed this particular song.

– My Privat Dancerini version of the chorus was like “I’m a total jerk and I repeat the phrases as if I believe them, but I don’t, and in a year when the season is over, I won’t be going on stage at all”, Putro laughs at those present.

Danny sees Tina Turner in Mira Luoti – and so does Mira Luoti herself. Jenni Gästgivar

Finland plays today at Nelose at 8:00 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
