Danny de Munk very shocked by misbehavior The Voice stars

Danny de Munk is very shocked by the misbehavior of the stars from The Voice of Holland. He definitely didn’t see that coming. “It’s about names I’ve worked with.”

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From Ali B to Marco Borsato and from Lil Kleine to Glennis Grace: the stars of The Voice of Holland have fallen off their pedestal in no time. Each and every one of them were pilloried by juice channels while they had not yet been charged with a single charge, let alone a conviction. Exactly what Danny de Munk himself is dealing with now.

Danny about Voice riot

Danny got quite a kick last Thursday in a juice video by Yvonne Coldeweijer. She says she has spoken with a victim of transgressive behavior by Danny. There is currently no proof of this and no report has been filed. Exactly as it started with the stars of The Voice.

Coincidentally, it is precisely those Voice stars that Danny expresses himself about in the latest edition of the Story, which came out one day before he himself became discredited. “Despite his decades in showbiz, Danny is shocked by all the revelations that have recently been made about The Voice of Holland,” the magazine reads.

In shock

It all comes very close, says Danny about the Voice riot. “It’s about names I’ve worked with. Of course I’ve seen and heard a lot over the years, and you’ll never hear me talk about colleagues. But what has become known in recent months has shocked me.”

The same goes for Glennis Grace, who has stormed into a supermarket with her vigilante group. Some say that she is simply a real Amsterdam. According to Danny, who also grew up in the capital, that is ‘no excuse to show extreme behaviour’. “You have a choice. You either seek attention or you don’t.”

house cross

Danny says he doesn’t seek that attention. “On my birthday I buy a cake, but I don’t put it on social media. I don’t seek that attention. And yes, every house has its cross. But I solve that internally.”

However, he also has his frayed edges, he admits. “Make no mistake, I can really be a rascal. There will always be something of Ciske in me. That street bitch has never completely disappeared, even though I’m 52. Only I never vent that to the outside world.”


There’s also nothing interesting to share about him, Danny said. “I am very boring. And if I’m not boring, nobody knows. My wife Jenny knows how to talk about that. It has therefore happened more than once that she has had to whistle back to me. And I always listen to her.”

Is Danny afraid of the juice channels? In the latest Weekend, he is sober about it: “Times change, phone calls are added. But I’ve never made a secret of it, for example, that if I go to Sensation, I’m screwed. Stick to the truth, don’t lie. It will eventually come out.”

The story of the woman who spoke to Yvonne also has to do with Sensation. Since that story came out, Danny has been inundated with puke faces on social media. He has yet to comment on it.
