Danny de Munk just back on the podium: ‘Is that useful?’

Despite the rape report against him, Danny de Munk has picked up his old life again, including performances in the country. “Then you can say: is it useful for him to act?”

© William Rutten

It is the blackest year of Danny de Munk’s career. A whole cesspool was opened about him on Yvonne Coldeweijer’s juice platform in April, after which one woman felt strengthened enough to report rape against him. RTL 4 decided to take him off the tube, SBS 6 of course not.

Back in the country

Two weeks after losing his RTL job, Danny chose to tell his story in RTL Boulevard crying. He denies everything, but of course the damage has already been done anyway. A month ago, he and his family left for Sitges, where he took a holiday for weeks.

Danny is now back in the country. “He’s at work, he’s back from Sitges. I think the family reunion holiday did the family some good. In the weeks before, Jenny barely got out of bed after all the revelations about her husband that she apparently knew nothing about,” said Private boss Evert Sankrediets in the podcast. Strictly Private.

Big challenge

Will Danny and Jenny be okay? “I don’t know. It’s a big challenge they face. Just when she didn’t know anything, the blow must have been huge, but it’s all the more beautiful if they come out together. The fact that you don’t throw in the towel immediately after all these years is in itself a good sign.”

Danny has now resumed his performances and schnabbels in the country. “He performs there and is hardly confronted with the stories that are circulating about him. Then you can say: is it useful for him to act?”

Is it convenient?

Evert has no problem with it. “Yes, that’s that man’s job. He eats that, so as long as someone doesn’t prohibit it, I think he should just keep doing it.”

Danny, accused of rape, will get through this, Evert thinks. “It’s Danny de Munk with all the pros and cons. It’s always been like this: you either loved him or you didn’t. He has always had to deal with that and he still has.”

It seems that Evert is pre-sorting Danny’s acquittal. In any case, he now assumes his innocence. “As long as he is not convicted, he is of course innocent. Like anyone who goes to court.”


Last weekend Danny showed that he is back to work:
