“Danny de Munk is a hero!”

Hans Klok does not wait for the lawsuit against Danny de Munk to pass judgment on the rape report against his childhood friend. “He’s just a hero!”


Danny de Munk has been in heavy weather for a while because there is a report of rape against him. The singer himself denies everything, but at the same time can’t think of a reason why his alleged victim would lie about it. Meanwhile, he receives support from many celebrities, including Wolter Kroes, Tineke de Nooij, Frans Duijts and Hans Klok.

“He’s a hero!”

Meanwhile, Hans has even reached the point where he publicly proclaims Danny a great hero, while the lawsuit against him has yet to begin. “I think it’s great that Danny de Munk has opened his mouth about the rumors about him and is also giving back. That makes him a hero in my eyes,” he says in the Weekend.

He’s just a great guy, Hans thinks. “I thought his speech in court was fantastic, he really broke. I know him quite well, went to school with him in Purmerend. I can understand that this matter concerns him so much, he has a wonderful marriage and wonderful children.”


Hans strongly believes that Danny has continued to perform despite everything. “Unlike those other famous people who have suddenly become invisible. He will not be misled by lawyers.”

He concludes: “With all those other celebrities who have been charged, the lawyer says: ‘Don’t say anything, let me do the talking.’ And do you know why? Because it makes them very rich.”
