‘Danny de Munk demands tons from the declarant, this is very inappropriate’

Danny de Munk demands tons from the woman who reported rape against him. This is reported by Yvonne Coldeweijer, who started the scandal surrounding the folk singer.


Yvonne Coldeweijer was reviled when she released gossip about alleged misconduct by Danny de Munk in April. Yet two months later a woman felt strengthened enough to report rape against the folk singer. It ensured that RTL 4 parked him on the reserve bench for a while.


Now Danny is out for revenge, Yvonne reports. “He is fighting to demand mega compensation from the victim. He therefore wants to force a witness interrogation. A hearing will therefore take place on 20 October. Then the judge will determine whether he/she finds it necessary to have the witness questioning take place.”

She continues: “Personally, I find it VERY inappropriate to start demanding tons of money from someone you’ve touched yourself. Personally, I can’t wait for the victim’s story to become public. It doesn’t do you any favors Danny, to want to make a profit out of that. Shameless.”

Questionable research

The musical company Stage Entertainment, which was Danny’s employer at the time of his alleged misconduct, announced an investigation in the spring. “After a lot of insistence, this has now partly taken place,” says Yvonne.

However, the juice queen is not very satisfied with this. “The internship was mainly focused on how they can prevent these kinds of situations in the future and less with the situation then. Understandable from within the company, but wonder if you then feel heard as a victim.”


Yvonne’s juice (Life of Yvonne):
