Danny de Munk cheerful on stage despite everything: ‘World getting crazier’

Danny de Munk was on the podium on Saturday evening, despite the fierce accusations against him. “The world is getting crazier these days,” the singer said.


It is a major achievement: the Night of MSV’71 event in Maassluis not only had Danny de Munk in the line-up, but also two other celebrities who are under the fire of juice channels: Charly Luske and Samantha Steenwijk. The allegations against Danny are the most vehement; Gossip Talk even used the word ‘rape’.

World getting crazier

Yet Danny stood cheerful and cheerful on the podium. An excerpt aired yesterday in Show news† “Ladies and gentlemen, forty years ago – I will never forget it, in 1982 – I made the film Ciske de Rat. I cherish those 80s, because nowadays the world is getting crazier,” he said.

“It’s almost impossible to keep up, but always stay with yourself, no matter what they say. Nothing is always the truth. By that I mean: I’m taking you back to the 80s. Do you sing along? Then I don’t feel damn alone?”

What does Yvonne say?

What does Yvonne Coldeweijer say about it? She has thrown the rumors about Danny into the world. “Danny started his performance with: ‘Never believe what influencers say, we’re going to make it a nice evening, let’s gooo.’ “

Nonsense, says Private boss Evert Sankrediets. “It was also said that he would have lashed out at those channels that threw that news into the world. Well, our reporter was there and he didn’t get to hear anything about it anyway, so I have to refer that story to the realm of fables. Other than that, the man stands up bravely, I must say.”

Not cancelled

Evert likes to see that Danny is still welcome everywhere. “I have not heard from him yet that he will be canceled or that he would no longer be welcome in the cities. Danny is doing well on his own, I think.”

Danny closed his performance with the song Laat Ze Lekker Lullen. Was that secretly a statement? “We should not start thinking ambiguously”, the singer responds in the AD† “I have issued a statement. It couldn’t be more honest and pure.”

Charlie gone

Incidentally, Charly was not on the podium in the end. According to the singer, there was a technical defect. “That’s why my musicians can’t play. I can’t perform without them. A real pity.”

What kind of defect was it? Yvonne: “According to spies, Charly’s USB stick did not work on Maassluis’ equipment. That’s why he left again. I could make a silly joke about Charly and a USB stick right now but I’m not like that, you know that.”
